Storage Drawers

Storage Drawers


1.15.2 causes an infinite loading screen loop

Silentdarkness12 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So i'd set up a modded Forge for 1.15.2, and i'm running into a bizarre problem where the loading screen loops infinitely, as in, the loading screen with the red bar finishes, the mojang logo almost completely disappears, and the bar reappears, it does it's thing again, the fade triggers again, infinitely.

With help from the MC Forge forums, it got narrowed down to Storage Drawers. Using the latest release of Storage Drawers, wondering why this is a thing.


So I was almost ready to agree that it's an SD issue, but then I noticed something that appeared a couple times earlier in your full log:

04Mar2020 17:06:50.732] [Render thread/FATAL] [net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus/EVENTBUS]: EventBus 0 shutting down - future events will not be posted.

And further up

[04Mar2020 17:06:50.105] [modloading-worker-1/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLModContainer/LOADING]: Failed to register automatic subscribers. ModID: blur, class com.tterrag.blur.Blur
  | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/fml/config/ModConfig$ConfigReloading

The reason SD is crashing is because none of its block objects have been created/injected by Forge by the time the model bake event occurs. This usually happens because something crashed in Forge earlier and it's actually in the process of shutting down. Why it's stuck in a loop instead of terminating outright I'm not sure.

Can you try removing the Blur mod and see if that changes the behavior?

I could put a null check in on my side, which should stop an additional crash on the render thread, but I suspect everything will still be broken.


Ah! Ok, yeah removing Blur seems to have fixed it.