Storage Drawers

Storage Drawers


RecipeStages Compatibility

Diversion98 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Is it possible to make recipestages compatible with things like a compacting storage drawer?
Right now, staged mods/items can't be crafted inside a compacting drawer.

It needs a container or a player. (AE2 and RS uses containers so staged items can be crafted in them).

example: cobblestone -> compressed cobblestone
Cobblestone has no stage
Compressed cobblestone has stage1 so it cant craft the compressed cobblestone.

This is a request for an enhancement.

Thanks in advance!



Just to add some more information, RecipeStages requires either a Player, or a Container to add stages to, which Storage Drawers don't provide over here:

Not providing a player could potentially run into issues with recipes that take experience to craft (extra utilities had one) and I'm sure there are other use cases (basically RecipeStagesisn't the only mod that would have issues)