[issue][2.0.9] Request table not showing all items sometimes on search
winsrp opened this issue ยท 0 comments
First of all, I'm using iron chests mod, on the current setup i have some iron chests + normal chests. Playing in survival so things are upgrading slow.
Around 14 hooked chests some some iron level some normal. All almost full.
So I really have no clue on how to replicate this, but the thing is that half the times I try using the search text box and when I put the first letter of the item (or even the full name) items won't show up. I'll try to find a way to replicate it, but sometimes is after i put in items, sometimes after i use JEI to pass recipes, sometimes after using the crafting, so I really have no clue.
I'll just leave it here until I find more info.