Storage Network

Storage Network


[Request] Autocrafting system

hron84 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


It could be awesome if we can build some autocrafting solutions, like specifiying inputs and outputs. I think we can re-use the interface idea of AE, this could store the recipes, and the current import-export cables could handle the item transferring. Optionally an autocrafting table should be involved, but since quite much mods add its own autocrafting device (RFTools crafter, BC autocrafting table, Botania crafty crate, and so on). Import/Export cables ensures the operation requires a fair amount of RF, interfaces (or whatever we call them later) could consume more RF for passing through items.


I have to say for my own two cents, I would vastly prefer that Storage Network focus on being an excellent, easy to use storage mod, and not attempt to go the route of AE2.

I think @xannor has the right idea. There are plenty of other mods that do what's being asked here, and many of them are used almost everywhere. There's no reason Storage Network needs to expand the scope and try to be an AE2 competitor. AE2 already does its job excellently, is actively maintained and, anecdotally, is usually excluded from my personal mod packs for the same reasons that I included Storage Network; namely, AE2 is far too resource intensive and complicated to do the one simple thing that I want, which is a unified storage.


@ridjack @xannor Please, consider the creation date of the issue. When I started this, there was no AE2 around and also there was no stable Refined Storage around too. Technically autocrafting was not possble in any terms. Currently it is kinda overdue since both of these mods are out in the wild and kinda stable.


You're are not the first one with that request. I already tried to add autocrafting, but I failed.
It was harder than expected. I don't know if I try it again. Moreover I don't have much time.


I see. I keep open the issue anyway, maybe someone will help you to implement this feature.


Sorry to put me here in, but maybe you can make a kinda "work around" like logistic pipes: Add automatic-craftingtables and a "crafting-pipe" which does nothing more to put things in and pull the result out.

Maybe this is an Idea,



@accessdenied0 this is almost how ME interfaces work too. But I guess the problem is not handling pulls and pushes but managing slots in machines and handling requirements (crafting tree for example).


I would be happy with just a system that I can specify the material to export and what the result back should be (similar to logistics pipes crafting pipe, or a machine ME pattern), then all the network should need is connecter that exports fixed items and waits to import fixed results, the "machine" on the other end deal with actual using the material. There are a lot of mods that can do the give me material and I'll give you a result portion, why re-invent the wheel there.