[Issue] Crash with Storage Drawers
accessdenied0 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Hey @MrRiegel,
I tried to use an Storage Cable on a Storage Controller connected to a set of Compactors. The Network seem to show the items only if the "Cable Controller" is near the Storage Cable but it worked. Sadly I got an crash soon I tried to put things back into it: http://pastebin.com/ry1TncvC
Pulling out e.g. Iron worked flawless....
the crash should be fixed
what distance do you mean by 'near'?
or better, could you show your setup?
As I first time set this up, I wasn't able to connect to the controller. Eventually as I set this up like this: http://puu.sh/p7V7w/18a0ca329b.png it worked. I moved the controller now but it seem to work... strange...
It maybe solved itself... thank you anyway and a lot for the fix!