Mod compatibility with custom waters
ipatrol opened this issue ยท 2 comments
For whatever reason, several mods that interact with water don't properly handle the water used in Streams. IC2 water mills don't activate and Rotarycraft water mills occasionally actually have the odd behavior of causing the stream to "dry up" when placed under a waterfall. I'm not sure the best way to handle this, but a fix of some sort would be appreciated.
The instructions here might help:
So register the various types of water as actually subtypes of regular water and everything should snap into place, so long as the particular physics code can be adjusted to work with that.
Hello ipatrol,
the "sub-blocks" approach wouldn't work in this case because water blocks (both vanilla and Streams) already use metadata to track their height or "flow decay" in 1/8ths of a block. In theory one could interpret one of the other bits in that data field as a different block type but water blocks tend to check for values >= 8 (instead of == 8) for their "falling" state so they could easily misinterpret that bit. So I have to stick with a different block ID (or rather 16 new IDs, one for each possible direction of fixed flows) for the river blocks, at least until I upgrade the mod to 1.8 which has a different metadata system. It's sometimes possible to ensure compatibilty with other mods by patching the methods they use to check for water so I'll look into this on a case-by-case basis. Ideally mods would always check for water as a Material rather than a set of block IDs, but too few of them do.