


Idea: Erosion

CTH999 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


So, I saw a neat mod for 1.14+ that makes flowing water erode dirt. That got me thinking. Maybe natural spawning flowing water could always be your water, and it will, slowly but surley, erode dirt, clay, rocks, and so on. Of course, it takes time. A long time (Not sure how long, but a long time) for stone, but that turns into gravel, which erodes faster. Hardened clay becomes clay, which becomes dirt, which disapears. Sand slowly disapears, and so on. But, the farther from the source block, the longer it takes, and right next to the source block, it doesn't erode because, well, because it wouldn't look good. But, it can even erode backwards, creating howlows behind water-falls, and on obsidian, it will eventually make obsidian gravel, which can be smelted into obsidian. But, this takes a long time. Now you have a reason to leave that nuturally formed obsidian! Player-placed water has no effect. Maybe even one day erosion at the beaches?

Not 100% sure if those are the mechanics for erosion, since the streams are wanted to still look beutiful when they are done, but still... I think what I put is a good outline. 40% of a description?

By the way, This is the mod