


Incompatibility with Worley's Caves

ex0planetary opened this issue · 4 comments


Basically what the title says. I load a world with just Streams installed and go to a location where there's a stream. If I go to the same location on the same seed with Worley's Caves installed there's no stream.


I am using both of these mods and streams do generate they are just very rare, cause' the world generation is changed


The strams are randomly generated even with other seed they are like structures added afterwards this happens even with other mods not only worlys caves i think its normal.


Structures are based on the seed, and streams are too. I made two worlds with the same seed and found a stream in the same location on both worlds. If you want to test it out: seed "test" (no quotation marks), at coords -218 78 1744. You should spawn right next to a stream.

So it's definitely a compatibility issue.


It’s still not an incompatibility streams do generate I find them all the time has nothing to do with seeds. There are many things that even when using the same seed are different from AW structures to Worley caves cave shape to ice and fire dragons nests etc the only thing that’s always same with a seed is things like biome or if there a vanilla village or not at least from all my testing.