


Schematic creation/save tool does not properly register non-standard blocks (At least not Ae2 nor Ender IO ones listed)

sharkck opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Minecolonies version

Version: 1.12.2-0.10.1-RELEASE

Expected behavior

The save tool to properly identify the difference b/t the different blocks within the building I saved.

Actual behaviour

The builder is asking for the wrong materials.

Materials used: AE2 Dense Cable (Fluix), AE2 Covered Cable (Fluix), AE2 Covered Cable (Lime), AE2 Illuminated Panel, AE2 Quartz Fiber. Ender IO Dark Pressure Plate.

All of the AE2 items are listed as 'AE2 Cable and/or Bus' in the builder's 'Required Resources' tab and the Dark Pressure Plates are listed as Wooden Pressure Plates

The odd thing about the dark pressure (mistaken for Wooden) is that the request even shows a weird image and putting normal wooden pressure plates in the inventory of the builder hut and it's inventory does not get them to use them.


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Also, in addition, is there a way to edit these .nbt files to remove items from the schematic? I'm not able to rescan my building since I've put a ton of stuff into it.


We really on the Minecraft Schematic System. So there is not much we can do. If AE2 is not compatible with the System, it is not something we can Change. It would be amazing if you could create a post with them.

If they send you back to us. Give us a ping here, we will jump in to get you the help you Need. But as of Right now, I am not sure what is going wrong.

Their might also just be an issue with the Display because of NBT data that is not on the stack when it is displayed. The displayed items are just suggestions, we look through the creative menu and try to match it to all items that we can find. Sometimes that means that some data is missing so the Display renders the Default item. He will still take the proper block though.


This is the response I got from the AE2 team:

yueh commented a day ago:
Based on the minimal information being available, it looks to be mostly aimed at vanilla. Thus there is no support for multipart blocks as well absolutely no information on something like an API.So simply not possible (currently).


So, yeah multipart blocks we really don't support since that would really need a special API.
We're currently reworking the structure part a bit so we're going to have a reasonable API for others to implement for these kind of things soon.


Wow. I had forgotten that I even had this open from 3 years ago. I'm actually putting together an updated Minecraft pack now. I'll be sure to let you guys know. Current version I'm seeing is 0.13.610-ALPHA? Hoping to have it together within the next week.


No support for multiblocks was ever added, the only way something can work it that underlying code of that mod has changed