


[๐Ÿ—ƒ]: Shift Right clicking book piles to pick books up does not merge books with other book itemstacks in your inventory

thelegitdolt opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Please make them merge using player.getInventory().add() or something like that, it would make working with these blocks ten times easier


I'm actually more annoyed by the block vanishing for a split second


but are you annoyed by the issue


its a deeper issue than this. so many modded blocks work like that, like hourglass, pedestals, flower pots and such. The first slot they target is the hand that's used. Thing is some vanilla blocks like flower pot wok like that too, probably even armor stand


armor stands are fine because armor can't stack

I think you should make it so the all those other blocks use this system too. Farmer's Delight cooking pot works like this and it generally just makes things much easier


i would love for this to be a config option at least


so i looked at this and it is something that i feel would be beneficial in some circumstances but not in othes. say from example you extract a sword from a pedestal, you expect it to land in your hand, same if you extract a particular book from a book pile. I'll see what i can do but its trickier than it seems


I think something like a pedestal is fine since it holds unstacakbles, but having to right click books and having 4 separate books stacks in your inventory is kind of terrible


books should also match the behavior of vanilla chiseled bookshelves, which will merge books with the ones in your inventory