[❓]: moonlight-1.20-2.13.25.pom--Maven warehouse no longer exists---404
wenwen456wenwen opened this issue · 17 comments
Your Question
moonlight-1.20-2.13.25.pom--Maven warehouse no longer exists---404
moonlight-1.20-2.13.25.pom--Maven warehouse no longer exists---404
What's a Maven warehouse?
If you mean my own maven for this mod why are you saying no longer exist? Because that implies there was something before and I never had one
I want to download the author's project to learn, but it always fails to build
I noticed you are trying to import v2.13.25 of Moonlight Lib, that's quite an older version
Have you change it to use Curseforge maven, if not then Go Moonlight Lib's page. Scroll down. where you'll see Curse Maven Snippet
expand it and you'll see the code.
if your building failed. you can use https://mclo.gs/ to share the errors. or take a image
it's not your network. if your build.gradle (at the root of the project) is missing below:
maven {
url = "https://www.cursemaven.com"
allowInsecureProtocol = true
maven { url = "https://api.modrinth.com/maven" }
add it. so it will find the required mods to import
and also there is no common. just use fabric instead of common
After adding it according to your method, there is still an error message. When I opened the website, it displayed on my browser: Unable to find classifier 5854670 as it was not defined.
i said there is no common for selene. just use FORGE for "FORGE" and FABRIC for "FABRIC" & "COMMON".
Have you change it to use Curseforge maven, if not then Go Moonlight Lib's page. Scroll down. where you'll see Curse Maven Snippet
expand it and you'll see the code.
if you use the code from ☝🏻
it has to be like this: modImplementation("curse.maven:selene-499980:6009558")
the last number is the ID of the file for FABRIC-1.20.1
if you uploaded your project to github, then you should share the link so a DEV can take a look at your build.gradle. OR u can use https://sourceb.in/ to share the build.gradle for FORGE|FABRIC|COMMON
A problem occurred configuring project ':common'.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':common:modImplementation'.
Could not download Shimmer-common-1.19.2-0.1.14.jar (com.lowdragmc.shimmer:Shimmer-common:1.19.2-0.1.14)
Could not get resource 'https://maven.firstdarkdev.xyz/snapshots/com/lowdragmc/shimmer/Shimmer-common/1.19.2-0.1.14/Shimmer-common-1.19.2-0.1.14.jar'.
Could not GET 'https://maven.firstdarkdev.xyz/snapshots/com/lowdragmc/shimmer/Shimmer-common/1.19.2-0.1.14/Shimmer-common-1.19.2-0.1.14.jar'.