


Missing dependencies?

DYmusicguy opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi. I am new to modding so no pressure :P. I chose to use Supplementaries as a learning resource, but upon cloning the repo, I am not managing to build it. I am getting errors of missing dependencies (com.mrcrayfish.configured, top.theillusivec4.curios,, mezz.jei, ...) What was more puzzling was that I could not find where these dependencies were listed. The best I could think of was that the following snippet dynamically loaded the required jars from the mods directory. I think that is Supplementaries/run/mods? Since I have not successfully run the mod yet, that folder is empty. Is it possible that the mod's build.gradle is missing explicit dependencies? Am I missing a step in my setup process? Thanks for any help!

def dev_mods_dir = "mods"
def dev_mods = fileTree(dev_mods_dir).filter { it -> it.isFile() } { getModVersion(it) } )
dev_mods.each {
    compileOnly fg.deobf(it)
    runtimeOnly fg.deobf(it)