


Dev Enviroment

gingershaped opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Hello, I'm trying to work on this mod to add a feature using Eclipse. How's your dev environment set up? I can't get mine to work.


oh I haven't pushed stuff yet. let me do that.


hi, I do have some other mods in a /mods folder that I have not included here (for obvious reason) that are needed for mod compatibility stuff. You can simply download them and put them in that directory, tho some of them threw some mixins errors so before adding them I did remove their mixins by editing their mixin config files in the jar. To know which mods you need just go into the compat folder and check the package names that are missing. I think they are quark, configured, inspirations, curios, framed blocks, decorative blocks and farmers delight


Otherwise you can just delete the compat folder and adjust the code where it calls that, simply by following errors that the compiler throws


Yes, the mixins are the issue. How do I fix that exactly?


Ok, I've narrowed it down. The issue is either with Magma (Inspirations dep) or Selene. IDK which one tho. What mixins did you remove?


There's probably a proper way to do this but I just went in my .gradle folder in users.gradle\caches\forge_gradle\deobf_dependencies\ and opened the jars there and simply removed the problematic mixins from those mods mixin configs


so magma block uses some code from quark to have directional stickiness, it's handled thanks to its api which is included in Quarks mod. Selene is my library and you'll need it to run the mod. For mixins it a mod I import doesn't work I generally just remove them all since they dont matter at compile time. I just need those mods there to reference a couple of classes and that's all


btw I just realized why those mixins weren't working. I had a disable ref map command in build.gradle...


ofc XD
Do I just redownload build.gradle from this repo?