


[❓]: Internal Exception, Non0-9a-z character, help needed

twenty41 opened this issue · 4 comments


Before Continuing:

  • Always check you are using the latest version of the mods and its dependencies
  • Remove known problematic rendering mods such as Optifine, Sodium and others. Do NOT report issues related to said mods
  • If you are unsure which mod is the culprit.
    Disable half your mods at time until you isolate the culprit
  • If you have a crash ALWAYS post LATEST.LOG below
  • If the issue is about behaviors be sure to consult the WIKI first



Supplementaries Version


Moonlight Lib Version


Issue Detail

I don't think this is necessarily a problem with your mod whatsoever but I do not even know where to begin diagnosing this, any pointers needed

I maintain a server and modpack for my friends. I recently updated the server to the newest modpack version.

The server launches successfully. When I join on my personal client, the one where I "made" the new update, I am able to join the server.
Once I export the modpack and import the profile to Curseforge (the process all my friends have to do), I am no longer able to join and I get this error.

I am just trying to start somewhere. I don't know how to research this, it doesn't really make any sense to me how this can happen. Vinery's help section is walled off by Discord and yours is the next mod mentioned.

It just can't be an actual invalid character issue because I can join the server on my copy like I said. It only breaks once reimported. I don't know what it is about my "original" profile that allows it to join the server.
Can you help me even begin troubleshooting this?

Attached is the latest.log of a person who just got the error.

Optional Attachment


To Produce

described above


Is your system language set to English?


Yes system and game both set to English. All players systems are in English. I also include options.txt in the distributed modpack so it should force the game to English


That's usually due to some encoding issue, usually due to a non English system language. Issue is unrelated to supplementaries, all characters in those files are correct. Unfortunately only thing I know about this is that. Troubleshooting is hard . Try to reproduce on s minimal setup


alright ty