- 1
Writable books won't place.
#438 opened by netcore10 - 1
Flute compatibility with Ecologics
#439 opened by FumpleWumper - 1
Crash on servers
#440 opened by RitzScythe - 2
Crash on opening some Shipwreck Map loottables (suspecting incompatibility with Yung's mods)
#441 opened by SirRosenfeld - 1
Speaker displays/says "block.supplementaries.speaker_block" before message
#442 opened by SirRosenfeld - 1
Crashing on startup
#443 opened by SomaLUX - 6
Error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
#444 opened by caracolito2-0 - 11
crash on start up
#448 opened by dddurandal - 1
There is no recipe for doormats.
#449 opened by mayonaka8478 - 1
bamboo spike without potion in create contraption crash null pointer exception
#450 opened by CKenJa - 6
Texture Issue with Sophisticated Backpacks
#445 opened by TierraVulture - 1
Make planters (and flowerpots) dyeable
#446 opened by 7z99 - 2
Bamboo Spike "Player loot" not working on Fabric
#447 opened by eyesoffaith - 0
Missing subtitle(s?)
#455 opened by thimblebird - 3
Blackboard not displaying after game restart
#456 opened by shrad1994 - 2
1.19.3 port
#451 opened by gohkenytp - 4
1.19.3 port (Take 2)
#452 opened by gohkenytp - 1
Wrong Create compat
#453 opened by mlus-asuka - 2
Water in "Boat in jar" don't show with Sodium mod
#454 opened by FireFire0525 - 9
Create world crash
#478 opened by fanrenla - 1
Pressing V when entering world seed causes crash
#479 opened by Canada-LaVearn - 1
Mod fails to load on startup
#480 opened by Canada-LaVearn - 1
Crash when startup
#458 opened by FIegaIkCz - 1
Crash report
#459 opened by JuicyOrange420 - 4
Crash using soap on bighorn sheep
#460 opened by RandomDude123123 - 2
Soaping colored glazed terracotta into white glazed terracotta is rather illogical
#461 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Incorrect tag used in carpet soap recipe.
#462 opened by laserlemons - 6
client launch crash 1.19.2
#465 opened by netcore10 - 1
Locks compatibility : cheese locks with sticks/books/lanterns
#467 opened by Krampus69 - 4
Crash when placing blackboard
#466 opened by MythrilBagels - 3
[Suggestion] Two Quiver changes: Option to restrict Quiver use to only when it's in the Curio's Back slot, and option to increase "arrow stack size" in Quiver
#468 opened by Reshirou - 4
More a question about something i saw than anything (i hope i'm posting this right)
#481 opened by miraclematters - 5
Client render crash when putting end crystal on supplementary:pedestal
#471 opened by emibanana - 5
[Suggestion] Add more blackboard color item tags
#472 opened by kingkuys2123 - 0
[1.19.2] [Fabric] Parsing error loading custom advancement
#473 opened by kingkuys2123 - 5
Cages not working Fabric 1.19.2-2.2.13
#474 opened by moxg22 - 4
Cannot load worlds due to a datapack error and game crashes upon trying to create a new world
#475 opened by txb5334 - 5
Wololo-ing a trader causes a crash
#477 opened by Crows-Parliament - 3
my mc wont open if i have sodium or optifine in it any suggestions
#483 opened by zeniboi - 1
Pulley cannot unroll more than 1 Farmer's Delight Rope when block is hanging
#484 opened by Xefyr0 - 7
[Fabric/Quilt] Errors in log during start on 1.19.2
#485 opened by TobiPeterG - 0
(suggestion) more ores support
#486 opened by 0Navis0 - 4
Silver, lead, and brass lanterns have no config
#487 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
Crash loading the latest Supplementaries (1.19.2-2.2.37)
#488 opened by sciguyryan - 13
Launch game crash
#489 opened by fanrenla - 6
Game crash when creating new world due to Quiver key/action being triggered
#490 opened by eSonOfAnder - 3
Launch crash
#491 opened by T2uyo - 1
Supplementaries failed to load correctly
#492 opened by DOOMDUDE643 - 2
Failure message: Supplementaries (supplementaries) has failed to load correctly
#493 opened by DragonTamer0129 - 11
Certain Recipe conditions don't function correctly
#495 opened by surprisedpika