Investigation - Can this mod cause openGl stack overflow 1283
P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Where did you download Surge and Bookshelf from? They shouldn't have -a at the end, unless you added that. BiblioCraft has some hacky rendering so it could be that mod, I don't know about furniture but it could be that one too. Bookshelf doesn't hack into rendering, or do any rendering so that can probably be cleared.
Anything is possible, but I would say it's highly unlikely. Nearly all of the performance improvements in this mod happen while the game is loading, and none of our code is in the render loop.
Okay so of these mods which do you think could have been the cause?
** v0024 - Trying to fix openGL error try 2 **
** Mods Removed **
** Notes **
Trying to fix gl error.