Sushi Go Crafting

Sushi Go Crafting


Use for Sesame Seeds?

JoshuaSFryer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am playing the Enigmatica 6 pack (Minecraft version 1.16.5, mod version 0.2.1) and while I am able to grow and harvest sesame seeds, and they have an annotation of increasing sushi effect in the tooltip, I can't seem to find how to use them in sushi. Is this just due to the pack using an old version of the mod?


I'm on 1.21.1 NeoForge and I'm also experiencing this; it can't be put in any slots. Even in JEI, there's no indicator that it can be used for anything.

Sesame doesn't have any recipe to be used in the roller:

While Avocado does: