Star Worm Equestrian (Upgrading Horses)

Star Worm Equestrian (Upgrading Horses)


[Bug]: Severe rendering issues when spawning at least 7 horses

xukura opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What happened?

I spawned a horse and lapis'd to the Star coat, then took a screenshot of it when I noticed part of the texture was black. I hit esc to find the screenshot's file location, then when I went back to the game and unpaused it the lighting changed drastically and one of the horse's model completely fell apart and parts of it were floating. Sometimes other horses would also disappear completely. The horse I was closest to would also "freeze" while doing it's animation (e.g. starting the walk animation, but then pausing and continuing to move forward). The longer I paused the game for the worse it would be; if I paused then quickly unpaused this issue wouldn't occur, though if I waited longer than 3 seconds to unpause it would occur. I have to wait for ~15 seconds to 2 minutes with the game paused for the issue to occur when only 7 horses are spawned; it's much faster to occur when 8+ horses are spawned. Some horses T-pose while this is happening, others are unaffected. This issue only began to occur once I spawned my 8th horse, which was the aforementioned Star. Any model glitches would go back to normal after a few seconds, and the only ones I saw were Star's mane disappearing (then reappearing once I paused and unpaused), and the one screenshotted below. Rejoining the game did not fix the issue.

Possibly related: I was away from my computer for a while, then when I returned to minecraft my fps inexplicably dropped from a constant 60-70 to a fluctuating 20-30, sometimes dropping to 10. Relating to this issue, it seems to have a minor affect (decrease by ~4) on fps after it occurs. I'm experiencing fps issues on all worlds, but have only faced this specific issue on this one.

This one specifically happened once I spawned an extra 3 horses. The horse's haunch slowly rotated into that position for about 4 seconds before becoming normal again, and the rest of the model was not visibly affected.
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2023-01-28_19 06 48
2023-01-28_19 07 15

What should happen?

None of the above.



SWEM Version

Singleplayer or Multiplayer

  • Singleplayer
  • Multiplayer
  • Other (Please add a comment to the issue where this is happening)



Relevant log output

No response


I couldn't test it earlier, but this issue also occurs without shaders. Fps improves to 70-110, but when this issue occurs it drops to 50-60. The issue happens for a shorter amount of time when Fast Render is turned off.
2023-01-28_20 50 49
I also lowered my render distance from 32 to 15 and the sky is no longer affected, but the horses still disappear and experience model glitches. No matter how low I put it the horses are still affected.

Issue occurs, and is arguably worse, without optifine present. The horses' body parts rapidly expand, and the sky is unaffected, but the horses' body parts do cover nearly the entire sky. Sometimes after unpausing the horses are T-posing, other times they continue to behave normally. The issue seems to happen more the closer you are to a horse.
2023-01-28_21 20 12


Issue not present when using swem and geckolib 3.0.99, still not sure why it began occurring in the first place.