


Sky Factory 4 Sync

Lithorn opened this issue · 4 comments


Just started playing Sky Factory 4, and ive used the Sync a few times. Now when the shell is done, Im unable to select it, Says DONE, but just cant seem to click it. Ive tried breaking it, moved it to a new spot and gave it power. It has redstone. Am on a hardcore world so this is a must. Looked for a cache for the mod to delete but saw nothing. Config dosent help either. What to do?

Broke them down, saved game and closed it. Relaunched, placed block and it works.


I figured it out. If you chance the keybind for attack (Which is usually mouse click 1) then it will bug until you relaunch the game. It will work with any bind but requires a restart for some reason.


I have a similar issue:
my shells are not showing up if they are touching the constructor, but moving them anywhere else and it works fine (sky factory 4)
Also, falling out of the world seems to kill shells but i've seen others reporting that already