


Import From String Does Not Work

thelapisfox opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I have tried version 1.7, 1.8, and 1,10 and each and every one does the same thing. I go into the Library and create a new entry. I then name that entry and click on 'Export to clipboard'. I then attempt to use that string either within the very same page I just exported from, or in one of the other versions and every time I do this, Tails says this;

Unable to import, parts data may be corrupted.

This is the code it gave me in 1.10.2
Lapis Fox:47da7e58-a702-4d52-bd6f-ea1c5d62e355:{"partInfoMap":{"TAIL":{"hasPart":true,"typeid":4,"subid":0,"tints":[-1,-16775425,-1],"textureID":1,"partType":"TAIL"},"MUZZLE":{"hasPart":false,"typeid":0,"subid":0,"tints":[-65536,-16711936,-16776961],"textureID":0,"partType":"MUZZLE"},"EARS":{"hasPart":true,"typeid":1,"subid":0,"tints":[-1,-16777216,-15447182],"textureID":0,"partType":"EARS"},"WINGS":{"hasPart":true,"typeid":0,"subid":0,"tints":[-14067567,-14067567,-14067567],"textureID":0,"partType":"WINGS"}}}

And this is from 1.7.10
Lapis Fox:47da7e58-a702-4d52-bd6f-ea1c5d62e355:{"partInfos":[{"hasPart":true,"typeid":4,"subid":0,"tints":[-1,-16776961,-1],"textureID":1,"partType":"TAIL"},{"hasPart":true,"typeid":1,"subid":0,"tints":[-1,-16777216,-15395352],"textureID":0,"partType":"EARS"},{"hasPart":true,"typeid":0,"subid":0,"tints":[-15395354,-15461151,-16776986],"textureID":0,"partType":"WINGS"}]}


This is a rather old system but I haven't changed much of it, hmm. Are you trying to import across versions or the same version?


I've tried both ways and it is always the same error. I have even tried to export and then immediately import and get the error.


Same error here. Would really like to see a resolution to this.


if you add a string between the UUID (all the number and letter like "47da7e58-a702-4d52-bd6f-ea1c5d62e355") and the part info (" {"partInfoMap":{"TA... ") it work ( at least in 1.12) and you have something like that :
Lapis Fox:47da7e58-a702-4d52-bd6f-ea1c5d62e355:thelapisfox:{"partInfoMap":{"TAIL":{"hasPart":tru...