Tainted Magic

Tainted Magic


New wand focus can not be changed

Dimpel75 opened this issue · 14 comments


Hello I have now pulled your mod on my server but unfortunately it turns out I can not change their wandfokuse with the new enchantments that should bring her mod with. How could I fix this


I'm not sure I understand, can you give more information?


hi first I can not speak English so I have google use hope the translation is good enough.
So my problem is the new Stabfokuse. I can see the new improvements that you can do with it in focus manipulator but not act. and improve. Example: Wall Focus Lumos I can thrift on it first spell glamor but the other two improvements I can see but not on the focus manipulator. Hope that my problem is now better described. Oh yeah, I use a mod package from Feed the Baest and got some extra mod. if this is important.


mh .. habs times in single started there is there I can improve the focus so it must be because of my server only where fails with me unfortunately have not much idea with server settings


I've got the same issue, I tried to upgrade the wand focus : lumos but when I tried to upgrade to glow pet or Lumos maxima, at the first upgrade only frugal works, I haven't tried with the others wand focus


I can confirm this. I just tried to upgrade my Dark Matter focus with Sanity. The upgrade appears, I can click on it, but it won't let me start the upgrade process.


Thank you for the info, I will look into this more.


I do not know that because I have tried her mod for the first time and have insterliert it with the last version


Was able to reproduce the issue. Was this happening prior to 7.82?


I have only ever used the latest version. My friend kind of forcibly dragged me into the modding scene. Most of my mods before Thaumcraft were pretty tame.


This is a very strange issue, there is no log output, and there was no major changes to foci in 7.82.


Yeah I’m getting the same issue. Seems this has been going on for awhile, not sure how to work around it. Would appreciate an update in the near future.


Yeah fixed it. Fixing some other bugs. Update soon..


Thanks man, this is an awesome addon so it’d be a shame if something as awesome as foci upgrades couldn’t work :/


Hi first thank you for taking care of this mistake. But when your update seems to like to use it your focus is terrific. Well, definitely thank you