Treb's List of issues he's noticed with the 1.20.2 Jar so far
Jeryn99 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Issue description
- Shift + Right Click with an Iron Block doesn't create a new console unit
- Placing a Configurator Block next to a console doesn't render the hologram display
- Bulk Head Doors from the Creative Menu make a gross "Squelch" sound when placed/broken
- You can grow a Tardis inside another Tardis
- [ ] Tardis materialising de-renders water behind it - If your Tardis was grown inside another Tardis, it's possible to Fast Return back into that Tardis
- You can see the Sun in the Tardis dimension
- The Bulk Head doors to the ARS Tree and the "Workshop" rooms as well as the door at the bottom of the Spiral Staircase do not open
- Bulk Head doors from the Creative Menu do not open
- You cannot break or place blocks inside the Hallway area
- Growth Drill still works in the Hallway
- Some consoles force you into a crawl when you walk into certain parts of them
- You can summon a Tardis while the Desktop is being reconfigured
- You can walk straight through a closed Tardis
- Violet Eye has a missing wall block
- You cannot run directly up stairs/slabs in a straight line into a Tardis door (Toyota Interior uses this)