TARDIS Refined

TARDIS Refined


Data Pack/Resource Pack Issue

Captain238120 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Issue description

After tons of trial and error, I believe this might just be a bug/problem (especially since I've seen a few other people ask about it).
When following the tutorial on how to make a Data Pack and Resource Pack for patterns (in my case, I'm trying to make custom shells), the tutorial either does not give enough detail or just does not work. I've gotten some help before from swirtzly before about putting tardis_refined/tardis_refined for the Data Pack, but now I am just getting either missing textures or completely black/non-existent textures.
I might be doing something/several things wrong, but after tons of changes to how I make the DP/RP and following other people's guides, I thought it would finally be time to ask the question on here.
Below I have attached both the DP and the RP:
If anyone, staff or community member, can help me out with this issue, that would be great!

Steps to reproduce

No response

Minecraft version


Mod Loader Platform type


Mod Loader version

Fabric Loader 0.15.10

Tardis Refined version


Other relevant versions

No response

Attach the relevant crash report file or log file: (Don't know how to find a crash report file? See the Minecraft Wiki Tutorial

No response


I also provided base mod textures in there, just to show that it probably isn't a texture issue and is instead potentially a pathing issue that I just can't figure out.


Hello, I usually spend a little time helping people on the Discord with their packs because we want to see people using the systems, I am "swirtzly" on Discord and I assume I helped you before

When creating a pack, ensure that you are following Minecrafts guidelines in conjunction with our guides, as our guide is not comprehensive and assumes you've got a little experience with datapacks and resourcepacks


Your pack works for me? Of course, this was after I unzipped both packs

If you are shipping your pack as a zip, you must make sure the root of the zips look like this:


Resource Pack:

The rbspack folder is not needed within a zip


Hi, thank you for helping earlier btw! While the pack somehow works on your end, I still get this issue (I took some screenshots of both the "test" exterior and the "black" exterior):

Screenshot (179)
Screenshot (178)
Screenshot (182)
Screenshot (181)
Screenshot (180)


No rendering mods, no. So it would just be TR doing this. I even checked by playing the mod by itself, and I still get this same result.


Do you have some obscure rendering mods installed or is this just TR?



Try with this?


Yes, it is now working! Was there anything you changed that I should know about for future reference?


Just what I said above