Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Digital Chest Overcapaciting

mrsylvaincrabs opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi everyone :)

So, today i was trying to overcome my stone storage issues and ended up crafting a Quantum Chest (the one able to store up to 32768 of one kind of ressource)

So i hooked up the quantum chest to my X-Net Heavy Storage network and create a new channel to automatically move the Stone from my modular storages to my quantum chest (everything is going smoothly for that part :) )

The "problem", if i can call it that way, is that the filling of the quantum chest don't stop once it reaches its 32768 maxium capacity (mine is currenctly sitting @over 50k stone in it and could go even higher if i hadn't turned of my channel).
I don't find that bug troubsome (infact, i kinda love it :) )
but i guess the chest is currently not working as it should be.

2017-03-24_19 25 37

2017-03-24_19 32 05