Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


[1.12] Small energy glitch with IC2 glass fiber cable

lynxx131 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am using TR in MC 1.12 with IC2 de-duplication enabled and things are working quite well.

One small thing I noticed is that if I provide too much energy to a TR machine via an IC2 glass fiber cable the machine doesn't explode it does however correctly explode with other cable types such as gold cables.

My test setup is:

IC2 MFE (512EU/t) -> glass fiber cable -> Industrial Blast Furnace (Explosion expected but doesn't happen)
IC2 MFE (512EU/t) -> gold cable -> Industrial Blast Furnace (Explodes as expected)

For reference:

IC2 CESU (128EU/t) -> any appropriate cable -> Industrial Blast Furnace (Works as expected)

So in most cases explosions work as expected it's just things don't explode when using IC2 glass fiber cable. Also worth noting that if I overpower an IC2 machine with a glass fiber cable it explodes as expected.

Admittedly probably not a huge issue but probably something worth putting on the backlog for when there's time.

Forge Version:
Reborn Core Version: 1.12-
TechReborn Version: 1.12-
IC2 Version: industrialcraft-2-2.8.7-ex112


probably a energy tier miss-match, modern IC2 (really should have been named IC3) has 5 tiers, TR only has the 4 tiers that were around with gregtech (excluding greg's 5th tier, which is probably where the bug is).


Not reproducible anymore.

Blast furnace exploded as expected being connected to MFE via IC2 glass fiber cable.
