Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Do not register small dusts as 'dustTiny' in OreDictionary

OneEyeMaker opened this issue · 2 comments


Title says it all.
Just remove registration of small dusts in OreDictionary as 'dustTiny' or create config option to disable it.
It messes up recipes, especially if modpack contains some mods for unification (UniDict, InstantUnify or similar).
Many mods (like IC2, JAOPCA and so on) consider 'dustTiny' as 1/9 of dust.
So, combining 'dustTiny' and 'dustSmall' (which for TechReborn and other mods is 1/4 of dust) in one item can lead to dupes or other exploits.


Humm, I’ll have to look into this. It’s strange how is only just become an issue.


One simple example.
Many mods (such as Thermal Expansion and Mekanism) have kind of OreDictionary unifier.
With this players can dupe metal:

  • Break down 1 dust into 9 tiny dusts from any other mod (IC2, for example).
  • Using unifier convert 9 tiny dusts to 9 small dusts (because small dusts registered as tiny).
  • Craft 2 dusts from 9 small dusts.

And generally, have both OreDictionary names ('dustSmall*' and 'dustTiny*') on one item is weird thing.
It feels like have item with both 'ingot' and 'block' OreDictionary names. Is it ingot? Is it block?