Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


[1.10.2] Missing textures

serialtasted opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hey there,

I have found some previous closed issues about this where you say it has been fixed (as referenced here: #817). But I'm using the latest version of TR ( and Forge ( and I still have some missing textures.

Missing textures:

  • Heat Generator
  • Yellow Garnet Block
  • Red Garnet Block
  • Refined Iron Block

sorry, 1.10.2 is no longer supported expect for major issues.


Since you're not updating I made very simple fix for this problem. It doesn't fix the Heat Generator not having textures. I'll see if I can work that out with only the resource pack in the future, if I have the time.
At least now I have textures for Yellow Garnet, Red Garnet and Refined Iron blocks.

If anyone stumps across this issue, wanting a simple fix, there you go: (this is a resource pack)

For the Heat Generator I simple disabled it with modtweaker and hide it from jei:

// Remove Heat Generator and hide it