Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Material Injector (from old gt/ig) suggestion. (+problem solved)

34486 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I am using the latest version because I didn't want that dupe with the fusion reactor, so anyways I sneak right click with the Techreborn wrench on LESU controller, and the game froze and crashed.

Hopefully this is an easy fix! Thanks!

Also, Not sure if I should make another thread for a simple request/addon from old gt/ig but can there be like the material and matter injectors or whatever for the fusion reacotr to add liquids so i can pump in deut and hydrogen 3 in a liquid form instead of cells? (Maybe even the old reactor design that can still be upscaled?)



To fix the crash update RebornCore.

Liquids in the fusion reactor, thats not a bad idea, im not sure how the details would work however


Oh, I should have checked to make sure I had the latest of reborncore.. sorry. Thanks though! Oh wow TechReborn was just updated 8 hours ago too, I didn't expect that!

Anyways, yea the old gt/ig had like material injectors to inject fluids and cells into the thing, (Essentially I hope you all can duplicate the old gt/ig fusion reactor design, but you know, make it so it can still be scaled up.... :) hehe)

Edit: How can this thread be changed to suggestion?


Having a block that takes the 2 fluids + some cells (as cells are used for the output) that inserts it into the main block might be an idea. Ill give it some thought.


Oh wow thanks!


Ok, we had a think about this, you can use the quantum tank to fill up cells with fluid, and then use that put the cells into the reactor. I plan on adding a fluid config like the item slots that allows for auto exporting/importing fluids.


But thats like essentially what I am doing, accept with AE2 n' Extra cells, export the cells into the reactor, n gather the heliumplasma up all using ae2. So it already has support for importing and exporting automatically, right?


as for Items - yes, cells could be imported \ exported automatically. Both pulled from machine or pushed by machine.


Ok, I dont see a use case for having a separate block to do this, but I have worked on adding a fluid config that allows machines with tanks to push and pull fluids between them, this should make it possible to do without any extra mods.


Oh yea! That works too, so I can have like a tank from TB and just use that as the material injector... awesome! Thanks!