Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Suggestion: Weighted Item Stacks in Crafttweaker

Guinaro opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Would it be possible to support Weighted stacks for the various machines.
This would be especially useful in the Industrial Centrifuge, Industrial Grinder, ...
mods.techreborn.industrialGrinder.addRecipe(techreborn:dust:24*2, minecraft:gravel,techreborn:dust:24%50,techreborn:smalldust:14%20, minecraft:gold_ore, null, liquid:water * 500, 100, 10);

This recipe would yield:
Garanteed: 2 gold dust and 1 gravel
50% Chance of an extra gold dust
20% Chance of an Small Pile of Copper Dust.

Using Mercury could yield 3 gold dust, 30% of an extra gold dust, 25% of a Copper Dust

In essence: it would allow greater flexibility and allow for an element of chance in the production lines.

The same functionality could enhance other machines: Industrial Centrifuge, Industrial Sawmill, Extractor, ...



It would require a large amount of work that would also require a lot of testing to ensure it didnt break the current code that has gone mostly untouched for a few years without issues.

Right now I dont think its worth the time to implement this even though its a good idea. Sorry about that.


No problem, will just need to rethink some ideas how to integrate Tech Reborn into my modpack. Hopefully you keep it in mind to implement this if a rewrite ever happens.
