Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Industrial Centrifuge gives too much copper and tin from bronze centrifuging

coderbot16 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Centrifuging a single bronze dust produces 2 tiny piles of tin dust, and 6 tiny piles of copper dust. It should only produce 1 pile of tin and 3 piles of copper, or consume 2 bronze dust.


Same as in original GT. ( Alloys are centrifuged with less loss compare to non-alloy metals. Compare with brass and electrum.

Feel free to change recipe using crafttweaker for particular mod pack reasons. CT doc is here:


Is this in relation to the 3 copper / 1 tin => 2 bronze recipe that old GT used, or in relation to the 3 copper / 1 tin => 4 bronze recipe that most current mods use? The old GT recipe returned 2x only because the standard bronze recipe was 3C + 1T=> 2B, since that made sense.

If TechReborn does use the halved bronze recipe as its standard, then I can change the recipe in my own pack. I just thought this was not intended since it can be used to duplicate copper and tin in combination with Thermal Expansion.