Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Server Crash

DanShu15 opened this issue · 4 comments


When one of our server members is online we get server errors resulting in a crash and automatic restart.

I'm not exactly sure how to reproduce it, I believe he has had his stuff set up for days, I only think it's Tech Reborn because of the log

Minecraft 1.15.2
Fabric last downloaded 5/31/2020

Not sure what changed, but today the server worked great until that player logged in, then his client wouldn't load his inventory or surroundings, so I had to clear his player.dat - after that the server locks up every few minutes and does an automatic restart


whoa, so when I go into creative and fly to his area the server crashes and the chunks don't load. Looks like the world file is scuffed


Duplicate of: #2109

It seems to be an incompatiblity with the "chainmail" library, im not sure on a good way to fix it just yet.


Expanded Storage is the mod that's loading the chainmail library, if you remove that from your server it should stop crashing.