Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Basic Chainsaws seem to have the wrong stats and works without charge

tenguin opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft 1.16.3
Fabric Loader: 0.10.6+build.214
Tech Reborn: 1.16-3.6.1+build.143.jar
Tested in Survival Mode

The basic chainsaw seems to have an abnormally high chopping speed, faster than even diamond axes by quite a lot.

According to the wiki, the basic lineup should be roughly equivalent to iron tools, and that holds true when I use the drill and jackhammer. But the basic chainsaw mows through wood blocks to the point where it seems to have indistinguishable performance to the advanced and industrial version.

In addition, the chainsaws seem to work exceptionally well even without charge. It seemed in my tests that a zero charge chainsaw could chop as fast if not faster than an iron axe, yet having infinite durability. This seems abnormal in terms of balance and does not resemble the slow speed of the drill or jackhammer when out of charge.