Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Can't create Titanium Dust from UU-Matter

slashfast opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the bug
The Scute is crafted, not the Titanium Dust

Steps to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Place the UU-Matter as specified in the recipe for Titanium Dust


Recipe of the Scute in \data\techreborn\recipes\crafting_table\uu_matter\calcium\scute.json

  "type": "reborncore:padded",
  "pattern": [
    "   "
  "key": {
    "C": {
      "tag": "c:calcium_dusts"
    "U": {
      "item": "techreborn:uu_matter"
  "result": {
    "item": "minecraft:scute"

Recipe of the Titanium Dust in \data\techreborn\recipes\crafting_table\uu_matter\dust\titanium_dust.json

  "type": "reborncore:padded",
  "pattern": [
    "U U",
    "   "
  "key": {
    "U": {
      "item": "techreborn:uu_matter"
  "result": {
    "item": "techreborn:titanium_dust"

Environment (please complete the following information with the version):

  • Minecraft: 1.19.2
  • Mod Loader: Fabric 0.14.9
  • Tech Reborn 5.3.4


Additional context
I've tested this without any mods, expect for Tech Reborn, tested with the latest Tech Reborn build from GitHub Actions, but only one result

Another strange thing is the prescriptions with saplings:

Correct (A Spruce Sapling)

Incorrect (The Spruce Sapling instead of an Acacia Sapling)

Temporary Solution

Change the recipe of Scute to another

  "type": "reborncore:padded",
  "pattern": [
    "   ",
    "U U"
  "key": {
    "U": {
      "item": "techreborn:uu_matter"
  "result": {
    "item": "minecraft:scute"


Change the recipe of Scute to another

  "type": "reborncore:padded",
  "pattern": [
    "   "
  "key": {
    "C": {
      "item": "techreborn:calcite_dust"
    "U": {
      "item": "techreborn:uu_matter"
  "result": {
    "item": "minecraft:scute"

I'm afraid to jump to conclusions, but all recipes that use tags instead of an item in the "key" object don't work correctly


Can confirm this issue on 1.19 with TechReborn 5.3.2 as well (Fabric 0.14.9)


the issue with the calcite recipes is because I wrote calcium_dusts instead of calcite_dusts. That is easy to fix and I have a PR ready. The other issue is the symmetric crafting, which even holds for regular uu matter.


Wow, symmetric crafting is intended for shaped recipes. I didn't know that! But this makes it very fixable