Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


Jackhammer doesn't dig deepslate

9ac0bs opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the error
Jackhammers (basic, advanced, industrial) do not dig deep shale, basalt, netherak and endernyak. Ore from mods does not drip correctly.

Reproduction Steps
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Take a charged industrial jackhammer from the creative, enchant it for efficiency 5 and silk touch.
  • Try to mine a stone (everything is ok)
  • Try to mine a stone next to the ore from Tech Reborn (the ore will fall out)
  • Try to mine a stone next to ore from Minecraft (the ore will not fall out)
  • Try to mine andesite, diorite and granite (everything is ok). But for some reason smooth basalt, basalt and calcite are not mined.
  • Try to mine an end stone (slowly)
  • Try to mine a netherrack (slowly)
  • Try to mine deepslate (slowly)
  • Try to mine tuff (slowly)

Added gifs via the link for additional context

Environment (please include the following information along with the version):

  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Mod loader: cloth 0.14.22 for 1.20.1

Not required

Additional context


Submitted a PR to resolve the vast majority of block breaking issues.


I'm not certain but this could be the issue?

	public float getMiningSpeedMultiplier(ItemStack stack, BlockState state) {
		if (getStoredEnergy(stack) < cost) return unpoweredSpeed;
		if (ToolsUtil.JackHammerSkippedBlocks(state)) return unpoweredSpeed;

		if (state.isIn(BlockTags.STONE_ORE_REPLACEABLES)) {
			return miningSpeed;
		} else {
			return unpoweredSpeed;

If I'm understanding it correctly, if the block isnt in STONE_ORE_REPLACEABLES tag it is effectively unpowered.

The blocks in said tag are :


might be better to consider using BASE_STONE_OVERWORLD & BASE_STONE_NETHER tags instead
Although that wouldnt capture end blocks


Closed by #3181