Tech Reborn

Tech Reborn


InvTweaks Compatability Issue

MazeusXenon opened this issue ยท 8 comments


When using the latest versions of TechReborn ( and Reborn Core(, and also including the latest release of InvTweaks (1.61-dev-49), I am getting a client crash.

According to the folks at InvTweaks, it's because there is a "broken" recipe in TechReborn (not 100% sure what they mean by that). I was able to use an older version of TechReborn ( and Reborn Core ( and a "dev" version linked out and it works from their CurseForge page.

If you know of this issue then I apologize for the duplicate but I do love this mod already and live by InvTweaks and would like to the two to live happily together. And of course, as their mod is techincially only Alpha for now, I am sure this is more on them than you, but if there is anything on your end that can be fixed, I'd certainly appreciate it!


OK I will leave this open as it is the 100x time this has been opened and I will track down the issue


I think my old mod will aid me in tracking down the broken recipe if there is one


Well... it seems to work but now it is blowing up on Reborn Core ( ... and of course, I can't actually test TechReborn without the core... right?


Yay! it worked! Well, it did when I only loaded InvTweaks, RebornCore, and TechReborn.... and I didn't create a world, but the client loaded, so that is so much farther than I ever got before.

Now, if I can just track down all the other mods that InvTweaks is having issues with, I'll be all set.



Thanks for helping me fix this issue, In the end it was a number of different issues that needed fixing on both sides.

New curse version incoming.


Glad to help! Now to go pester the InvTweak folks... :)