- 4
Processing certus quartz in grinder
#1742 opened - 0
1.14.4 Electric Treetap craft isn't correct
#1756 opened - 4
Translations are missing
#1757 opened by ferdavs98 - 4
- 2
1.14.4 Crash when placing the rolling machine
#1759 opened by trpg1 - 1
Use tags in all recipes
#1760 opened - 4
1.14.4 Copper rarer than emeralds/not spawning?
#1761 opened - 1
1.14.4 lang
#1762 opened - 1
Iron Furnace didnt drop block
#1763 opened by modmuss50 - 0
Slot config crashes a dedicated server.
#1764 opened by modmuss50 - 0
Rubber Tree Sapling has collision
#1765 opened - 1
Chainsaw sound effects
#1766 opened - 2
1.14.4 tag rubber planks as planks
#1767 opened - 0
Nether ores use the old texture
#1768 opened - 2
JEI recipe oddity potentially related to Assembly Machine recipes (ingredient quantities >1)
#1744 opened by AlodoTrobell - 1
Hoppers pull out of grinder input slots
#1746 opened by Juuxel - 0
(1.14 Fabric) Crash when attempting to configure a slot
#1747 opened by Shnupbups - 1
Strange Hologram Behavior
#1748 opened by IndiePhunq - 0
1.14.4 optifine crash
#1749 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Unusable Sawmill
#1750 opened by IndiePhunq - 0
Scrapboxes are not giving any items
#1752 opened - 2
Creeper spores incompatibility
#1753 opened - 0
Lag on interaction and manual crashes game
#1754 opened - 0
Machines do not play activity sounds
#1755 opened - 2
1.14.4 Wrench bug
#1774 opened by dmitryistomin - 0
Block break
#1775 opened by cy8ersword - 9
Client doesn't start, server starts [1.14.4]
#1769 opened by jan-tennert - 0
Tools On charged and not discharged [1.14.4]
#1770 opened by ferdavs98 - 2
Crash when using wrench on generator
#1771 opened by BigBear0812 - 0
1.14.4 suggestion github
#1772 opened - 1
Crash when remove cable
#1773 opened by BlayzerQ - 0
Auto-output doesn't respect filters
#1783 opened by drcrazy - 1
lang zh_cn
#1784 opened by Enaium - 1
Put lava bucket into Thermal Generator made my game clashes.
#1776 opened by Chuwar - 1
Can't craft Carbon Mesh and no recipe.
#1777 opened by Chuwar - 2
Crash when placing Interdimensional SU
#1778 opened by Chuwar - 1
Some items still hardness issues?
#1779 opened by Chuwar - 3
Diesel Generator Bug?
#1780 opened by Chuwar - 0
Armor slots are missing textures in machines GUI
#1781 opened by drcrazy - 0
Machines are not fully charged
#1782 opened by drcrazy - 7
TechReborn blocks don't implement getInvAvailableSlots(), making accessing available slots unusually complicated.
#1787 opened by vini2003 - 0
Crash with open inventory
#1788 opened by 1a2s3d4f1 - 4
1.14: World bricked when lava bucket placed in thermal generator
#1789 opened by grondag - 2
1.14: World bricked when any ore is placed in industrial grinder
#1790 opened by notfood - 1
Electric Furnace stays active after operation completed
#1791 opened by BernardoGrigiastro - 0
#1792 opened by BernardoGrigiastro - 0
Alloy Smelter
#1785 opened by cy8ersword - 2
Industrial Centrifuge recipes doesn't decrease input stack amount properly
#1786 opened by drcrazy - 1
Adjustable Su buttons not working
#1794 opened by BernardoGrigiastro - 2
Can't craft Lava Cell
#1795 opened by Chuwar