- 2
Overclocker and energy upgrades not working
#1298 opened by Dannez - 2
Debugging - Model Errors and Block Interctions - MC1.12.2 Forge 512
#1299 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Support for getChestContents from The One Probe
#1300 opened by drcrazy - 0
[1.12.2] FE > RF Infinite power bug
#1301 opened by VermillionX - 3
Powered lighting
#1306 opened by ali1234 - 2
[1.12.X] Flux-Infused OmniWrench support
#1307 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Crash when inserting item into quantum chest
#1308 opened by DrZoddiak - 2
Iron Furnaces Drop Basic Frames
#1309 opened by TheLimePixel - 1
[1.12.X issue] Rubber Wood logs can't be placed horizontally
#1310 opened by dancc7t - 1
No machine upgrades in IC2 compat mode
#1302 opened by OrdinatorStouff - 1
1.12.2- Crafttweaker change broke null in scripts
#1303 opened by tgstyle - 1
[1.12.X] Some machines can't Input/Output items from their sides
#1304 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
[Request] More crafttweaker support for the scrapbox
#1305 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
Transformer Upgrade is misnamed as "Tranformer"
#1313 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
Cloaking Device
#1314 opened by misteryman526 - 2
Chainsaw is not usable until full charge
#1312 opened by Toby343 - 0
[1.12.2] Scrapbox crafttweaker removeAllRecipes not working
#1317 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
[1.12] Grinder crafttweaker support
#1318 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
[1.12] Importer upgrades import in the output slot
#1319 opened by Skillotic0703 - 3
Import/Export From Rolling Machine?
#1320 opened by MaxAstro - 6
[1.12] Rolling Machine enhancement
#1321 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
[1.12] LESU not really functionnal
#1322 opened by Skillotic0703 - 4
Output Power from Fusion Reactor
#1316 opened by BeLink13 - 4
Disconnect while using Industrial Grinder
#1325 opened by Bigcheese - 1
Reversed Transformers
#1326 opened by VermillionX - 3
[Suggestion] Stainless Steel
#1323 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
Refined Iron Steel recipe conflict
#1324 opened by leytilera - 1
[1.12.2] Transformer upgrade spelling issue
#1327 opened by FnordMan - 0
1.12.2 LESU Limit
#1328 opened by Leftorius - 1
[1.12] Assembling Machine GUI
#1333 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Tech Reborn Crashing with Immersiveengineering
#1329 opened - 3
Iridium Vein Size Issues
#1330 opened by TonyPrindel - 0
Problem with Tech Reborn and IC2 product end results.
#1331 opened by SirTwsted - 0
Wrong name ( CT Compat )
#1332 opened by lugiaf - 1
FPS dropped when placing the TR machine [1.12.2]
#1338 opened by lugiaf - 2
Removing Iron Furnace crafting recipe blocks Crafttweaker
#1335 opened by Niuttuc - 2
[1.12.2 Latest Version]Tech Reborn Oil causing a Stacktrace Error
#1336 opened by Preminenc3 - 0
[1.12.2] Fusion reactor shuts down upon save re-load
#1337 opened by FnordMan - 2
[1.12] Plasma Generator not outputting correct amount
#1339 opened by Skillotic0703 - 7
[1.12.2] (Forge version and higher) + (tech reborn) + latest IC2 = ShapelessRecipes = basic machine casing
#1340 opened by Staegrin - 0
[1.12.2] Rolling Machine Dupe Glitch
#1342 opened by TheLimePixel - 0
[1.12.2] Dupe bug with a lot? of machines
#1343 opened by alexpic57 - 0
[Suggestion] Change mutiblock checks for water to be material
#1344 opened by ChiefLogan3010 - 3
Environmental Tech and Tech Reborn problem
#1346 opened by GLugia - 10
SpongeForge Low tps
#1345 opened by SawFowl - 3
No energy use on eletric furnace with 4 speed upgrades
#1349 opened by Yzelast - 1
Rolling machine doesn't accept items from top
#1351 opened by Locomotivers - 1
Automation Woes
#1352 opened by fallenhunter1 - 0
Transformer upgrades don't increase Input Rate
#1353 opened by ZeekDaGeek - 2
Potential bugs
#1354 opened by ATMT88