- 0
Add GraviTool wrench mode support
#1712 opened by modmuss50 - 1
Wrenching a AESU not outputing power after rotation done
#1711 opened by LoveAlmstrom - 4
Consider buffing the nano saber, or adding a config option for its damage
#1714 opened by coderbot16 - 1
Small piles of dust broken recipe
#1713 opened by TheFuze - 1
Redstone controls for machines
#1717 opened by warplord - 1
Fusion Reactor Energy Output Question
#1718 opened by rourke750 - 1
Industrial electrolyzer auto imput bug
#1720 opened by luigge - 1
Speed upgrade wrong behavior
#1721 opened by luigge - 1
All 3 player detectors have the same crafting recipe
#1719 opened by kreezxil - 2
Oredict/Recipe weirdness with Immersive Railroading
#1722 opened by CvoidWyvern - 0
Lapotron Crystal recipe falsely requires dyeBlue rather than Lapis Lazuli
#1723 opened by tbaart - 1
[Suggestion] Current Iridium Processing Makes No Sense
#1724 opened by voidsong-dragonfly - 1
Fusion Reactor Survival Attainability at Higher Radii
#1726 opened by voidsong-dragonfly - 2
Tech reborn machinces when picked up
#1725 opened by tsonayoshi - 3
Exception loading model minecraft:air
#1727 opened by KokSaker - 1
Fusion Reactor Output yield
#1728 opened by AHrubik - 0
BC tanks and techreborn Cell
#1731 opened by estebes - 2
Tech Reborn & RS storage bug.
#1732 opened by IppSwitch - 0
Industrial Grinder Bug
#1733 opened by LegendLZD - 1
Multiple input in Fusion Reactor
#1734 opened by brachy84 - 4
#1735 opened by FrostCreeper07 - 1
Can't craft IC2c items
#1736 opened by JCDenton64 - 0
Rendering bug with rubber wood slab
#1738 opened by IronPiston - 3
[Suggestion] Additional rubber wood blocks
#1739 opened by IronPiston - 2
[Suggestion] Add machine to make wires
#1737 opened by IronPiston - 3
net.minecraft.block.BlockAir cannot be cast to techreborn.blocks.BlockMachineCasing
#1740 opened by bluelightning32 - 3
Industrial Blast Furnace Question
#1741 opened by LegendLZD - 4
Processing certus quartz in grinder
#1742 opened - 0
1.14.4 Electric Treetap craft isn't correct
#1756 opened - 4
Translations are missing
#1757 opened by ferdavs98 - 4
- 2
1.14.4 Crash when placing the rolling machine
#1759 opened by trpg1 - 1
Use tags in all recipes
#1760 opened - 4
1.14.4 Copper rarer than emeralds/not spawning?
#1761 opened - 1
1.14.4 lang
#1762 opened - 1
Iron Furnace didnt drop block
#1763 opened by modmuss50 - 0
Slot config crashes a dedicated server.
#1764 opened by modmuss50 - 0
Rubber Tree Sapling has collision
#1765 opened - 1
Chainsaw sound effects
#1766 opened - 2
1.14.4 tag rubber planks as planks
#1767 opened - 2
JEI recipe oddity potentially related to Assembly Machine recipes (ingredient quantities >1)
#1744 opened by AlodoTrobell - 1
Hoppers pull out of grinder input slots
#1746 opened by Juuxel - 0
(1.14 Fabric) Crash when attempting to configure a slot
#1747 opened by Shnupbups - 1
Strange Hologram Behavior
#1748 opened by IndiePhunq - 0
1.14.4 optifine crash
#1749 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Unusable Sawmill
#1750 opened by IndiePhunq - 0
Scrapboxes are not giving any items
#1752 opened - 2
Creeper spores incompatibility
#1753 opened - 0
Lag on interaction and manual crashes game
#1754 opened - 0
Machines do not play activity sounds
#1755 opened