TekTopia Information

TekTopia Information


Villagers appear multiple times

Blueberrypie255 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


In the book, they appear multiple times, breaking my info system.

I added this mod in a world where I played tektopia in previously.


This has been happening on my Minecraft server (Not sure about singleplayer)
This is cleared when I leave (the village is "killed" and then "reborn" when I join)
It happens more and more when they sleep.


This happens after the villagers sleep


Any chance I can get a copy of your world save?
When you login to the world, do the duplications exist, or does it get more and more each day after they sleep?


Sorry for the lack of response. I did try to replicate when you raised it, but was unsuccessful.
Let me try again and see if I can replicate


Are you able to provide me with the following

  1. Forge version on server (forge-1.12.2-14.23.5.xxx.jar) -
  2. Forge version on client (forge-1.12.2-14.23.5.xxx.jar) -
  3. TekTopiaInformation mod version -
  4. Full Mod list with versions (screenshots are fine)
  5. How many ingame minecraft days before you notice this duplication?

@Blueberrypie255 I have still not been able to replicate the resident duplication, but I have implemented some code to do the following

  1. When adding the residents to the list, it checks the list for an entity id that already exists. If found, then the resident will be skipped.
  2. If you enable debug mode in the config file, you can see an id value next to the residents name, and in the tooltip if you hover over the resident name.

Can you try the new beta version of the tektopia information mode (1.12.0) and let me know if this has fixed your issue. Here is the link to the beta version - https://github.com/Bletch1971/TektopiaInformation/blob/master/beta/1.0/TektopiaInformation-1.12.2-1.1.0-1.12.0.jar


@Blueberrypie255 I was finally able to get the resident duplication issue you experienced.
Using the newer beta version I can see that they are all separate entities with different ids stored in the Tektopia VillageManager.

Using the /village report command I was able to see the Tektopia dump in the server window, which shows all the resident details, including the duplicates.

I think this is a bug with the TekTopia mod in that when a resident is unloaded and reloaded, the original is not cleaned up properly in the VillageManager.

Now that I know this, I am going to try and investigate how I can skip them, so they do not appear in the TekTopia Information Book.


Hi. Any fix?


After a week of trying to create a workaround for the Tektopia bug, I have come to the conclusion that it is not possible and that Tektopia must be fixed.

Just re-iterating, this is not a bug with my mod, but Tektopia. If you see duplicates in the book, trying running this command
/village report

This command is from the Tektopia mod and creates a village dump to the server logs, with all the village information. You will see that this information shows the duplicate as well.

As far as Minecraft can see, the duplicates are separate entities and both are alive.
I am now closing this issue, as it is not something I can fix.

One thing I did notice, in my testing I was only able to reproduce the duplicate villagers when using the FTB chunk loader. I am not 100% sure it is a chunk loader issue, or even if it is limited to the FTB chunk loader.
If you experience the duplicate issue, and are using a chunk loader, try turning it off and see if that works.


Thank You! This has only happened on a server (I assume that it is because the chunks are weirdly loaded with my render distance vs my servers)