Invalid Dimension ID crash
scottosx opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Crash for Dimension -2 which is a space station from Advanced Rocketry. Transmitter upgrade installed.
-at subaraki.telepads.gui.client.GuiTeleport.func_73863_a(
>String dimension_name = DimensionType.getById(dimension_ID).getName();
where dimension_ID = dimension_ID =;
- provider code :
public int getDimension()
return this.dimensionId;
what it means : standing on the telepad, opening the gui retrieves the dimension the player is in. it gets the idea of said dimension and uses that idea to look up it's name.
Now, either the dimension id's arent available client side, or minecraft itself is borked.
looking into it now
DimensionType.getById(dimension_ID).getName(); isn't that complicated.
the forge code itself :
public static DimensionType getById(int id)
for (DimensionType dimensiontype : values())
if (dimensiontype.getId() == id)
return dimensiontype;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid dimension id " + id);
isn't that stupid.
looking more into it