- 1
terrablender for 1.18.1 crashes when ever i try to enter a world
#65 opened by justawander - 1
Custom Nether regions do not appear at all
#66 opened by Hugman76 - 2
Issue with Bricks N' Blocks mod
#67 opened by CsillaAria - 0
Issue with FoxxzAddons mod.
#68 opened by Tiiiro - 1
One of my friends keep crashing. Ik this says 1.18.2 but the discord says general questions instead of problems so not sure.
#69 opened by WaddleWaddle-sakura - 0
Unable to start world
#70 opened by itsdinkd - 1
Crashes at random when generating new chunks while Byte's Metallum is installed
#71 opened by Razwerkz - 8
Mod cannot be downloaded via third party launchers
#72 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Nether config
#73 opened by JonCaver - 3
1.18.2 Terrablender is corrupting rftoold dimensions
#75 opened by ixam22 - 2
error installing crashes launch
#76 opened by antoniomh718 - 1
Game with biomes o plenty crashes and log states terrablender is missing despite the mod being in the mod folder.
#77 opened by ZeGamingCuber - 3
Both Biomes O' Plenty and Oh The Biomes You'll Go Crash; says mod is missing when it isn't
#78 opened by JohnSmith00000000 - 1
Terrablender crash on Quilt 1.19
#83 opened by Sunconure11 - 3
Examples are needed
#84 opened by MJRamon - 10
Terrablander will not load properly despite having all packs required
#79 opened by antoniomh718 - 1
Crashes minecraft on startup
#80 opened by SpacedKey - 1
For some reason, minecraft keeps crashing due to terrablender
#81 opened by OriOha707 - 1
Implement an optional built-in region.
#82 opened by ExDrill - 2
Crash Report for The Fabric Versions: and
#88 opened by TheSourOnion - 1
Incorrect list of possible biomes
#86 opened by MelanX - 3
Please expose the api via datapacks
#87 opened by Danjhop4 - 7
[1.19] Reloading a saved game break biome placement
#90 opened by ValkyrieSama - 1
Doesn't work no matter the version for 1.18.2 fabric
#92 opened by Spirit72 - 1
3-way incompatibility with Colormatic and KubeJS causing a crash
#93 opened by SplendidAlakey - 0
Latest version of TerraBlender breaks mining dimensions
#94 opened by Nevrai - 3
World doesn't generate
#99 opened by Jayerd - 0
Does not generate terrain features in the skyland dimension (immersive portals incompatibility)
#97 opened by thomasmassarutto - 1
[Feature] Add project to
#98 opened by Sammcb - 1
Terrablender has failed to load correctly java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
#100 opened by PyroProtogen - 2
521 error
#103 opened by MJRamon - 1
Crash upon game start
#104 opened by jacobmoerch - 2
Crash at client start
#102 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 2
1.19.2 Instant crash upon launch
#105 opened by maxcana - 11
1.19.2 Trees fail to generate in most modded biomes after updating from .130 to .136
#106 opened by LoftyLoftyLoftyLoftyLofty - 7
error reading nexted level.dat
#107 opened by MuteTiefling - 7
Cave biomes generate above ground in 1.19.2
#108 opened by vaylor27 - 5
Weird Biome Placement using Data Packs
#109 opened by Matthysse - 1
terrablender crash
#110 opened by corpau - 3
Incompatibility issue with RFTools Dimensions
#111 opened by sharkck - 0
Server Crashes on world creation
#112 opened by BrickOyster - 2
1.19.2 Fabric Server Keeps Crashing On Start
#116 opened by danolhenl - 1
1.19.2/1.19.4/1.20.1 Dedicated Server with Terrablender is causing world gen slowdown and thus MoveTooQuick errors In Minecraft Forge
#118 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 0
Terrablender Error on 1.19.4 dedicated Server
#119 opened by phil2sat - 1
Infinite bookshelves 1.19 .
#120 opened by Teresa369 - 2
Terrible world generation performance after ~1000 game days.
#122 opened by KostromDan - 1
1.19.4 Critical injection failure
#121 opened by DAEXDO3240 - 2
Needs javafml:46
#124 opened by SauceTheBoss05 - 2
Grass Blocks generating under the surface Grass Blocks
#125 opened by ieguana - 2
Game crashes at start
#126 opened by NathKaden