


Barrel recipe doesn't display after reload

AnodeCathode opened this issue ยท 2 comments

  1. What did you expect to happen?
    -Barrel with recipe in process. (Sake in the test case). GUI shows Sake as output fluid when barrel is sealed. Exit and reload world, barrel gui should shows recipe in progress.

  2. What actually happened instead (i.e. what was the bug)

  • Barrel shows nothing for recipe in process on GUI. However if time passes, the recipe does eventually complete. Also, when testing the tile entity for the barrel in question, after reload the te.getRecipe() returns null.

To Reproduce
Attention to detail is important!

  1. Place barrel with fluid and input item (fresh water and rice flour)
  2. Seal the barrel. Barrel will display Sake as output fluid for recipe.
  3. Exit world. Reload world.
  4. Check barrel gui. No longer shows recipe in progress.
  5. Wait sufficient time and recipe DOES complete.

Meta Info

  • TFC Version:
  • Were any other mods included? Can you reproduce it without these other mods? jei_1.12.2-

Setting recipe = BarrelRecipe.get(inventory.getStackInSlot(SLOT_ITEM), tank.getFluid()); in TEBarrel.readfromNBT does solve the issue but not sure if this would be the proper fix


Tried sending a PacketBarrelUpdate in TEBarrel.onLoad but it's still recipe == null when the gui checks. Tried markDirty() as well. Tried world.notifyBlockUpdate. No effect.

When the client receives the PacketBarrelUpdate, the TE is returning as null for that pos