


TFC Network Debugging is enabled even if it is turned off in configuration

pehala opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When playing TFC on the Server with both Client and Server having default configuration, after a client connects I see in the server logs:

[21:15:22] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO] [ne.dr.tf.co.CommonConfig/]: TFC Network Debugging is enabled.

Earlier in the logs I also saw:
21:11:14] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [ne.dr.tf.TerraFirmaCraft/]: Options: Assertions Enabled = false, Boostrap = false, Test = false, Debug Logging = true Not sure if those two are connected

Which shouldn't happen as the default option should be False.
TFC Version: 2.1.13
Configuration file:

	# If the TFC world type (tfc:tng) should be set as the default world generation.
	# 1. This ONLY sets the corresponding config option in Forge's config.
	# 2. This ONLY will set the default if it was set to 'default' (or vanilla generation)
	# 3. This DOES NOT guarantee that the world generation will be TFC, if another mod sets the default another way
	setTFCWorldTypeAsDefault = true

	# The number of days in a month, for newly created worlds.
	# This can be modified in existing worlds using the /time command
	#Range: > 1
	defaultMonthLength = 8
	# The start date for newly created worlds, in a number of ticks, for newly created worlds
	# This represents a number of days offset from January 1, 1000
	# The default is (5 * daysInMonth) = 40, which starts at June 1, 1000 (with the default daysInMonth = 8)
	#Range: > -1
	defaultCalendarStartDay = 40

	# Enables a series of network fail-safes that are used to debug network connections between client and servers.
	# Important: this MUST BE THE SAME as what the server has set, otherwise you are liable to see even stranger errors.
	enableNetworkDebugging = false

So it's not, but as it turns out it logs that message whether the config option is set or not... making it a bit useless.