


Loading existing chunks should update them with the current temperature's snow/ice

RazvanSmeu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Currently, if you are living in your loaded chunks and winter comes, the next time you go exploring in already initialized chunks, the snow isn't there.

Even worse: if you explore new chunks in winter, then go home and summer comes, exploring those chunks will still have snow while in full blown summer.

Could you add at least an optional config to snowify/unsnowify existing chunks on reload based on current temperatures when the player walks in them? Even if it wasn't efficient performance-wise, I still think it would be a great addition since this one issue really ruins the whole immersion of seasons, climate and exploring in TFC.


This would be great, unfortunately every time we have tried this before it wasn't just "not efficient performance wise" it was "the world hangs for several minutes when you load it". I'd be happy to see a PR which actually addresses the complexities of this issue; and doesn't just shove the issue of snow borders elsewhere.


Any updates on this?

Can we at least not generate snow in new chunks automatically or maybe force snow weather on new chunk load?

It's just so frustrating to explore with snow in new chunks, because it stays there forever until someone gets there in summer and stays there for a while.

Thank you!