


(minor) information missing in animal husbandry

SarixInTheHouse opened this issue · 2 comments


it's quite a small thing that I noticed recently.

  • The page for Musk Ox does not state how long it takes for their wool to regrow
  • the page for Mules says "they can have grains and fruits". Seems to me like a mistake and should be "they eat"

I also think each page should state the required familiarity to use the animal (shear, milk, ride)


The two pages in question
2023-05-15_10 22 24

text('$(thing)Musk Oxen$() spawn in cold climates, with $(l:the_world/climate#temperature)temperature$() between -25 and 0°C, and at least 100mm of $(l:the_world/climate#rainfall)rainfall$(). They are $(l:mechanics/animal_husbandry#wooly_animals)Wooly Animals$(). They eat $(thing)grains$(). They always have 1 child, are pregnant for 64 days, and reach adulthood in 168 days. They can have children 16 times, if they are never sheared.', title='Musk Ox').anchor('musk_ox'),

2023-05-15_10 22 47
text('$(thing)Mules$() spawn in plains with $(l:the_world/climate#temperature)temperature$() of at least -15°C, and between 130 and 400mm of $(l:the_world/climate#rainfall)rainfall$(). They are a kind of $(l:mechanics/animal_husbandry#horses)Equine$() that can carry a $(thing)chest$() and are the always-male product of a $(thing)horse$() and a $()donkey$(). They can have $(thing)grains$() and $(thing)fruits$(). They reach adulthood in 80 days.', title='Mules').anchor('mule'),


Updated Pages:
2023-05-15_11 48 29
2023-05-15_11 48 42