


[3.2.7] Snow piles forget flowers when shoveled

Alex33212 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Breaking snow piles that contain flowers with a shovel simply removes the snow without placing the flower; grasses, stones, and some other plants (e.g. Athyrium ferns) behave normally, as do snow piles broken by hand.


Please confirm you're not just breaking the snow pile and content (i.e. a flower, which would instant-break) too quickly to notice.


Yep, I made sure of it - I tested using a field of dandelions after first noticing, and pointed my shovel at the very edge of the snow pile. When I was testing if it still happened when not using a shovel, I did have an instance of breaking the flower at the same time, but it still played the plant-breaking sound.


Specific flowers I've had this happen with (occurred to me it might be a limited selection):

  • Dandelions
  • Red & pink tulips
  • Lily of the valley

I'll do some more testing tomorrow, see if there is a specific subset of flowers that do it