Ore gen reads default config file but doesn't copy to /config/tfc/
JonJonsonsSon opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Playing around with alpha builds of TFC since September of last year without seeing any ore all this time seems to confirm that ores aren't spawning. I thought they simply weren't implemented yet, but after noticing those error messages in the console, maybe they are implemented, but not quite properly? I'm really not sure
v0.2.1.35. I've also used WorldEdit to remove a lot of stone blocks on several occasions, the most recent being a few minutes ago, and still haven't seen any ores before:
If it helps, here's a latest.txt log file: https://pastebin.com/q3FrRTb8
Can you repeat the issue without all the extra mods?
There is a handy command for checking built into TFC /stripworld <radius> -> [DANGER] Strips all stone variant blocks + water.
Those console warnings mean your json ore configuration is bad. Try deleting the ore gen json and reloading TFC. If the default config is bad, that is a separate issue.
After deleting that file from last September, restarting the game, and generating a new world, ores are spawning now!
No new oregen file was generated in place of the one I deleted. Is that a problem, or is that fine?