


Commands to force grow/tame entities/plant life.

UnlimatedStone9 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the request
Make sure to include:

  1. What problem or issue would this enhancement solve?
    Useful for testing features in creative mode.
  2. Describe the feature itself - what would change, what would happen. In general more detail is good!
    Makes taming entities for testing features in creative mode easier than what has to be done now (changing time of day, feed, time of day, feed, etc etc etc.)
    Same deal for crop growth.
    This is generally done when testing integrations in modpacks, like using horses with carts or testing wolf AI, etc. Quality of life really.

Meta Info

  • TFC Version: 1.12.2- (at time of request)
  • Is this a compatibility feature for other mods? Or a enhancement for TFC alone?

Possible in 1.18 with /data command which works on blocks and entities


These would be good features for the debug wand.


Yeah, that makes sense. Whatever way we get it I would like to get it.


Given that this is rather low priority, I'll leave some alternative commands that do exactly what requested here:

  • For plants or crops, setblock can be used to directly advance the growth stage and/or set plants grown. Example: setblock ~ ~ ~ tfc:crop/wheat 7. The max growth stage metadata can be guessed by looking at F3.
  • For entities, entitydata can directly set these properties. Example: /entitydata @e[c=1,type=tfc:pigtfc] {familiarity:1f} sets the data of the nearest tfc pig to 100% familarity.
  • And as you already mentioned, /timetfc can also be a manual answer