


[Crash] Extra Utilities Incompatibility.

Handeril opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Version Info

  • Minecraft - 1.12.2, Forge Version
  • Tesseract - tesseract-1.0.32-forge-mc1.12.jar
  • SuperMartijn642's Config Lib - supermartijn642configlib-1.1.6-forge-mc1.12.jar
  • SuperMartijn642's Core Lib - supermartijn642corelib-1.1.7-forge-mc1.12.jar

Steps to Reproduce
This appears to involve Extra Utilities 2 Mechanical Users, and Tesseract itself or one of it's libraries.
The "Ticking Entities" in question are Mechanical Users set to infinitely-mine cobblestone using Unbreakable TConstruct Pickaxes.

  • To reproduce the error, install Extra Utilities 2 and TConstruct (Latest Versions) with Tesseract.

  • Place a mechanical user, set it to "Use Item on Block" (or Activate Block with Item), set it to Left-Click mode, and then set it to "Upper Left Slot Only".

  • If the game hasn't died yet, put a TConstruct pickaxe in the upper left slot.

  • If it still hasn't died yet, build a cobblestone generator in front of it.

  • If all else fails with reproducing the bug, try disabling Tesseract (and it's libraries), starting a fresh world, building the contraption listed above, and then try re-enabling Tesseract.

Crash report (~/logs/latest.log)


The crash is caused by Tinkers Reforged and is unrelated to Tesseract. Please report the issue to them.