Extreme offset when firing arrows at non cardinal directions
MuteTiefling opened this issue · 4 comments
Bug Report
Observed Behaviour
Arrows don't go where shot. Best seen in the video below.
Expected Behaviour
The arrow should be going roughly where I'm aiming, but it's consistently going towards ordinal directions if you're even a few degrees off of a cardinal
Minimal setup needed to reproduce
- Forge version: 1.16.5 36.1.0
- Tetra version: tetra-1.16.5-3.8.0
- Tetra configuration: https://github.com/NillerMedDild/Enigmatica6/blob/master/config/tetra.toml
- Other mods: Enigmatica 6 mod pack
Steps to reproduce
Just shoot at any angle other than straight at the cardinal directions and you'll see this.
I should note that a vanilla bow does not have this problem, nor any other modded bow.
I have the same issue, it appears to be a visual bug. Very difficult to adjust my aim when I can't see where the arrow went. This seems to be a duplicate of #270
Sadly seems to be an issue with Minecraft itself having a max rendered projectile velocity. To quote someone in a spigot forum:
Velocity packets sent their X, Y and Z as a short which have a maximum value of 32767. Minecraft then divides this by 8000.0 to get a double value of velocity, which results in just under 4.1, giving a maximum visible velocity of 4.1. This means that any velocity over 4.1 gives incorrect positions and it will mess up the client.
EDIT: Fun side note: Minecraft's terminal velocity (the max falling speed) is 3.92, which also is only a little bit under the maximum velocity.
Hopefully there is a way to modify this and raise the limit through a standalone mod but so far it does not seem like someone has done such a fix in recent game versions.
The problem here is that I recall the arrows properly rendering at first and even with the stabilizer module. I made a bow that was basically a machine gun and saw all the arrows launch toward a target. Now even just adding a recurve stave messes up the visual arrow flight.